What's new in version 12.5

A complete redesign with exciting new features

  • Brand new interface.
  • Brand new html editor.
  • Unlayer drag n drop editor.
  • All file managers improved. New templates and assets file managers with thumbnail previews.
  • Better text versions of Html newsletters.
  • New charting library. More interactive and beautiful charts with one-click export to png.
  • Create QR codes for your opt-in forms.
  • Exclude lists from a campaign.
  • Clone a campaign.
  • Select multiple filters when creating a campaign.
  • Improved advanced search with new improved filtering options. You can also use Views and clicks to create filters and/or list segments.
  • Improved the campaign notes pop-up and added also option to change the campaign name.
  • Drop list action: deletes both list and subscribers.
  • Check the new demo
  • How to upgrade

What was new in v.12.1

  • Responsive, bootstrap-based interface.
  • All pop-up windows (reports etc) are now resizable.
  • Updated to the latest version of JQuery.
  • List isolation: remove subscribers from all other lists but this.
  • Updated email clients report.
  • Images can be sent inline/embedded also in single opt-in/-out and confirmation emails.
  • Usability updates in the html editor. New feature: cross-link between newsletters.
  • Improved error logging in the campaigns log file.
  • Subscriber center made responsive.
  • Campaign name shows in charts.
  • Updated file managers for Excel, csv, attachments etc
  • Fixed several minor bugs and improved many existing features.
  • See demo.

Major new features introduced in v.12

  • Brand new interface with a broader view that you will enjoy using even more. See demo.
  • New product configuration: scheduling campaigns is included in the core package. You can use a 3rd party scheduling utility or what your host provides or the native Windows scheduled tasks.
    The NPro scheduler Windows service is still available as an add-on option.
  • So now you can create a campaign and schedule it in one step.
  • Custom table views: choose which fields you want to see in your subscriber reports.
  • When sending html a text part is automatically added with a link to read the online html version. So now all html emails turn to multipart and this means better (lower) spam score.
  • Sending a page by URL : you can add attachments and append an opt-out link.
  • Suppress a whole list with a single click.
  • Lists page: suppressed subscribers are excluded from the totals reported.
  • Better list traffic report with views & clicks and other ratios for each list.
    Now you can check deliverability by specific domains. Example: do an advanced search for @gmail.com, create a new list, go to the list activity report.
  • Option/setting to allow a subscriber to self-suppress in the subscriber center (account area).
  • Total activity timeline report at your home page.
  • Most active days and Most active hours charts.
  • Checkboxes to delete multiple campaigns & newsletters with 2 clicks.
  • Newsletter preview pop-ups from the reports & campaigns pages.
  • Campaigns activity log. See what happens when sending a campaign and other scheduled jobs.
  • Data sources synchronizing: you can create a job to load a url http://.../_sync.asp?apiKey. This will sync all data sources for which you enabled this option.
  • Improved the smtp servers overview.
  • Numerous other small improvements.

What was new in v.11

  • Multiple SMTP servers that rotate with every batch. Ssl,tls options and custom smtp headers.
  • Edit, pause and resume a running campaign.
  • When a scheduled campaign completes and is not recurring the task is automatically deleted.
  • SSL port number options for the bounce manager (and some other improvements).
  • New awesome interactive charts exportable to pdf/png.
  • Email clients chart: see what platforms your subscribers use when opening your newsletters.
  • New reports for hyperlinks: total clicks and click history.
  • Sortable campaigns custom comparison report.
  • Complete subscriber tracking even for single emails that you send from the html form.
  • Complete personalization of all greeting emails and landing pages.
  • Brand new social media links.
  • Create template from an existing newsletter.
  • Newsletter tags for easier management.
  • New way to set-up your landing pages and greeting emails. They are admin-specific which means that you can use different pages or emails for different forms.
  • A new SEO-friendly & mobile-friendly newsletter archive. Check it & resize your browser or rotate your smart phone.
  • Opt-in forms: save, customize, update the html code, use captcha and load them dynamically within a responsive iframe (with one line of code).
  • New api for integrating opt-in forms.
  • New quick subscriber search with auto-complete suggestions.
  • Added IP and date-time stamp upon subscriber confirmation (CASL compliant).
  • Subscriber IP is recorded in opt-outs.
  • Api keys for admins that you use with the scheduler tasks.
  • The admin ID is embedded when creating an opt-in form and then the email alerts go only to this admin.
  • The email alert to the admin contains the complete form data (on opt-in).
  • Added active/inactive option for admin accounts and encrypted admin passwords.
  • New way to login with email and password. Admin lock-out: account is de-activated after x unsuccessful login attempts.
  • IP-subscribed defaults to "admin" when importing subscribers. Handy for segmentation.
  • Welcome page show last 10 subscribers.
  • Updated Italian & Dutch translations.
  • All JavaScript code ported to JQuery.
  • 100% web-based upgrade and installation.

What was new in v.10.30?

  • v.10.3 involves some small improvements and bug fixes in the html editor.

New features introduced in v.10.20

  • A new html editor with full support for IE11.
  • Fixed sound playing when saving a newsletter (for all browsers).
  • New, improved subscriber pagination.
  • Optimized the sending files. Much speedier queries.
  • Interface layout improved.
  • Numerous small fixes and improvements.
  • Have a look at the demo.

New features introduced in v.10.10

  • Updated the file managers. The settings file is no longer required and removed.
  • Updated email validation functions=> it is recommended to update your opt-in forms.
  • Improved TableKit.
  • Fixed a bug with dates in the newsletter archive.
  • Updated several language files.
  • Added table sorting in Newsletter ratings report.
  • Added language detection in the admin panel.
  • Fixed a bug with subscribers dynamic/static sorting.
  • To upgrade from v.10.00 to v.10.10 you only need to replace files. Database stays the same.
  • Change in the opt-in process: if double opt-in is active and an existing subscriber who has NOT yet confirmed attempts to subscribe again, the confirmation-required process is triggered.
  • Many other small improvements. Have a look at the demo.

New features introduced in v.10.00

  • Templates manager: import html or htm files or grab a page from a url and save it as a newsletter.
  • Optional "Campaign name" field for internal use.
  • Custom sender settings for a campaign: From-email, From-name, Reply-to-email.
  • Summary report: added unique clicked / unique opened ratio.
  • New report: aggregate campaigns report. It is a summary report from selected campaigns combined.
  • New report: campaign comparison report. You can compare selected campaigns.
  • New report: time-line (or trend) report. Clicks, views, opt-outs over time.
  • Added birth-year when creating an opt-in form.
  • Added more subscriber variables/tags in the welcome and confirmation-required emails & pages.
  • New top navigation menu.
  • Added sorting of table columns (dates also).
  • Redesigned the "edit subscriber" page.
  • Added delimiter in csv/txt imports (tab, comma, semi colon).
  • "View in browser" link is hidden when you open the newsletter in your browser.
  • You can remove a single subscriber from the opt-outs table.
  • Language files for subscriber pages extended and improved.
  • Change in the opt-in process: list assignments and profile data of existing subscribers who attempt to subscribe again are updated only when there is a password in the opt-in form and it matches the one already stored in the database.
  • Various small improvements. Have a look at the demo.

New features in v.9.00

  • New way to create a campaign: send to selected lists.
  • New feature: Suppression list.
  • New summary report.
  • Updated html editor.
  • A subscriber can update his full profile inside his account.
  • Csv & Excel import: if you have new data for an existing subscriber (like names, company, address) it will be added to his profile. Same for opt-in forms.
  • New report page: all subscribers who click in a campaign. Used to be by link until now.
  • Opt-out reasons listed by campaign, with a link from the summary report. More text for opt-out reasons.
  • Improved follow-up list creation.
  • Added birth year and double quotes qualifier in the csv export.
  • Added indicators in report pages for Google Analytics.
  • Bounce manager: added option to add the bounced subscribers to the suppression list.
  • CSS3 based layout. Smoother, faster loading. Added fade-out delay in the top menu.
  • Several pages and reports have been redesigned.
  • Various usability improvements. Have a look at the demo.

Major new features introduced in v.8.00

  • New html editor (that adds support for IE9).
  • Added performance chart in the home page.
  • Link tracking improvements: area maps are tracked, anchor links allowed.
  • Added setting for tracking of mailto: links.
  • Added automatic link parsing for campaign tracking with Google Analytics.
  • Facebook-like smart-link: will redirect the subscriber to read the newsletter in the browser and in that page he will see a "Like it" button.
  • Improved CSV and Excel imports with more options.
  • Added opt-out filters when importing subscribers.
  • Added external data sources: you can save the connections to external databases and load them easily for future imports.
  • #listlisting# can now be used in both the welcome and confirmation-required messages.
  • New method to send confirmation reminders: like a normal mailing.
  • Using CSS3 for messages and alerts. Faster loading and smoother experience.
  • Bounce manager: added setting for number of messages to process and option to set subscribers with bounces as un-confirmed.
  • Many functions and background processes were improved.
  • Several reporting pages were redesigned.

New features added in v.7.60

  • Updated the email validation code to include latest top level domains (TLD) according to ICANN.
  • Introduced two APIs. An api to add/delete a subscriber from another page or site and an api to display a dynamic newsletter archive in any other page or site. Both are easy to implement (3-5 lines of copy-paste code) and very well documented.
  • Added a new "smart link" for text newsletters to display the html newsletter in the browser when sending multipart.

New features added in v.7.50

  • A new scheduler for asp.net 3.5 that is easier to install and use. If needed, you can install this scheduler on another machine than the one you have Newsletter Manager Pro installed.
  • Improvements in bounce manager.
  • Few other minor enhancements.

New features added in v.7.40

  • An updated Html editor that adds support for full <html> editing for FireFox and Safari browsers.
  • New html editor Innova studio v.4.2
  • Upload manager for Excel and Csv files.
  • Several secondary enhancements.

New features added in v.7.30

  • New html editor Innova studio v.4.1

New features added in v.7.20

  • New html editor Innova studio v.4
  • New navigation menu (for faster loading)
  • Many minor enhancements

New features added in v.7.10

  • Import subscribers from Excel files with field mapping
  • Import subscribers from .csv and .txt files with field mapping

Major new features introduced in v.7.00

New reporting

  • New summary report with opt-outs & forwards.
  • Improved views and clicks reporting. Unique vs All and combined ratios.
  • More tables and views can be exported to Excel.
  • All opt-outs are saved now in a table.
  • Count remaining messages to be sent from your mailing activity table.

Easier Follow-up mailings and more Filter options

  • Create follow-up mailings with 1-2 clicks, without creating new follow-up lists.
  • Follow-up lists concept is still there and has been extended.
  • Create date-subscribed-based filters: with the Npro scheduler you can have follow-up emails based on the date subscribed automatically.
  • Added birthday related fields for subscribers.You can send birthday newsletters (if you have or import this info).
  • Create a blank filter and then change the code as you like.

New interface

  • Improved productivity and rich user experience with a new Web 2.0 like, AJAX powered interface.
  • Most actions are done without leaving the page you are.
  • Validation is done on the client, minimizing requests to the server.
  • This is achieved with the use of the prototype.js and script.aculo.us JavaScript frameworks.

Upgrade and keep your old data

  • Upgrade database scripts from v.6.52 included. Keep your existing database and data.
  • You will be delighted to see your existing data appearing in new reports.

Newsletter design

  • Auto-save for newsletters with a sound alert (set to 3 minutes).
  • Updated html editor to Innova 3.6. Also compatible with Safari and Chrome.
  • Save your newsletter without leaving the page.
  • You can now keep your changes when saving a newsletter and your session expires.
  • Create a text version of an html newsletter.
  • Added newsletter rating feature. Can also be used as a basic voting system.
  • Encoding/charset per newsletter and global (for all other messages).
  • Extract images for sending inline/embedded is done with Ajax and it also became easier.

Subscriber related

  • Ask subscribers to enter a reason for opting out by changing a setting.
  • Improved custom sign-up form wizard : added required/optional checkbox for each field and inline error messages (no pop-ups but that can be changed as you like).
  • New Forward to my friends page. Forwards are captured.
  • Redirect URLs for welcome, confirmation-required and goodbye messages (instead of using Npro customizable pages which are still there).
  • Added subscriber ID in the smart tags menu. Can be used for unique numbering of coupons etc.
  • "Confirmed status" in a subscriber profile is now a checkbox.


  • Added time-offset from server so you can see all dates/times in your local time.
  • Compact and repair your Access database.
  • Added a "delete all" for countries and states.
  • Added pop3 settings for bounce manager.
  • New admin property for receiving notification emails.
  • New admin property: last login.
  • Added IDs in almost all listings and tables.
  • Added operators when creating a filter for hard/soft bounces, Times mailed html/text.
  • Many other minor improvements and small bug-fixes.

There is no loss of data when upgrading.

When you upgrade you are provided with database upgrade scripts so you can keep all your existing data.
Upgrade scripts are provided for version 6.52 and later.
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